Doce vida

Para quem não tinha nada
Eu ganhei uma doce vida
Era tudo tão maravilhoso
Nunca pensei que isso existira
Todos momentos inesquecíveis
Eu tinha tudo que precisava

Porém a vida não é tão doce
Coisas ruins acontecem sempre
E eu fui de tudo a nada de novo
Se algo me fez feliz outrora
Agora já não o faz de novo
Sua falta, eu sinto todo dia

Ó vida injusta e desgraçada
Por que quando tenho tudo
sua infame há de me tirar?
Por que quando tudo vai
bem há de se tornar ruim?
Por que infeliz vida? Por quê?

Por mais que eu tente
manter a dita esperança
Meu coração não deixa
A sua falta é tremenda
Que é como se faltasse,
em mim, uma parte inteira

Esse sentimento é tão
forte. Forte como você
Quando olho para o lado
Sinto sua falta, pois você
sempre estivera por lá
É uma falta irreparável

Eu te amo muito, muito mesmo
Eu só quero o melhor para você
A dor pode ser grande, mas o meu
carinho é bem maior, muito mesmo
Espero poder te ver novamente
qualquer dia desses, querida amiga

Sweet Life

For someone who had nothing
I was awarded with a sweet life
Everything was so awesome
I never thought something like this existed
All unforgettable moments
It was all I needed

Yet, life is not that sweet
Bad stuff happens all the time
And I went from everything to nothing again
If something once made me happy
Now it doesn't anymore
Your absence, I feel everyday

Oh unfair and disgraced life
Why when I have everything
your infamous have to take it off me?
Why when everything is going
well it has to become bad?
Why unhappy life? Why?

As much as I try
To keep this so called hope
My heart doesn't let me
Your absence is tremendous
It is like it was missing,
in me, a whole part

This feeling is soo
strong. Strong like you
When I look to the side
I miss you, since you
were always there
It is an unrepairable absence

I love you a lot, really a lot
I just want the best for you
The pain might be great, but my
care is way bigger, really bigger
I hope to see you again
Any of these days, dear friend

Well, thank you so much for taking your time to read this. Like I mentioned in the pastebin that means a lot for me. I was needing to let this feelings out and this was the best way I found. It probably is a trash poem, but that was the best I could do for myself. I can't lie and say I don't miss you, because I do. I am fighting my way to feel better. Well, Kiki take lots of care and I still love and care for you no matter what. Please stay safe and one last wish: whenever you are leaving Discord for good, make sure to send the goodbye message you had for me

PS: Just something for you to remember me, as I didn't share lots of photos of myself